Winter 2020 Senior Exhibition
- Apr 18 2020 - May 01 2020
- Expired!
Graduating seniors present their work from all areas of the School of Art and Design, including ceramics, computer art, digital cinema, drawing/painting, graphic design, human-centered design, illustration, metalsmithing/sculpture, photography, and woodworking/furniture design.
Thank you to the Friends of the DeVos Art Museum and the School of Art and Design for award support.
Gold: Maddie Pederson
Photography, Strange Things Will Happen, if you Let Them, Color photographs, chemigrams, thread
Silver: Niikah Hatfield
Ceramics, State of Flux Collection, Porcelain
Bronze: Ted Devoe
Drawings & Painting, Woolgathering, Mixed Media
- Artists Included:: Maya R. Aalsburg | Ben G. Anthony | Patrick D. Bawden | Cullen E. Bode | Sam M. Bray | Marcus D. Cushing | Kylie N. Decker | Rachel K. Demory | Lucas P. Deschamps | Ted C. Devoe | Madison M. Eazsol | TJ Fritz | Niikah L. Hatfield | Kira Holloway | Donnie T. Huntze | Isaac A. Joanisse | Truman Jones | Nate Jordan | Kati Kattelus | Charles B. Latourneau | Terese Ledy | Milan L. Marietti | Gabriela Martinez | Hannah Milkie | Jessi Miller | Anna M. Newhouse | Austin E. Niemi | Tiffany Nutt | Morgan A. Osborn | Kevin J. Paczesny | Maddie Pederson | Noah N. Roberts | Joshua T. Ryan | Bea Schuil | Erin Scott | John Sheehan | Kayla Strange | Jessica A. Trethaway | Marlo Vanallsburg | Marissa K. Wall | Matthew B. Whisenhunt | Sam Williams | Michael A. Wilson | Corey M. Wrubel