Winter 2017 Senior Exhibition
- Apr 19 2017 - May 05 2017
- Expired!
Graduating seniors present their work from all areas of the School of Art and Design including ceramics, computer art, digital cinema, drawing / painting, electronic imaging, furniture design, graphic communication, human centered design, illustration, jewelry / metals / blacksmithing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and woodworking.
- Artists Included:: Joseph Abhold | Jamie Alberta | Ezra Asohan | Joseph Baker | Meghan Barrett | Cameron Behling | Sara Bliesener | Billy Bozell | Rachel Buchen | Sophia Chan | Aaron Chieply | Leeann Collins | Riley Crawford | Trenton Davis | Christin DeFord | Kelsa Dykehouse | Paul Flaminio | Wyatt Foster | Kevin Gamelin | Kelly Glass | Ashley Goodroe | Monica Greulich | Eliza Groll | Chelsea Hart | Savanna Hennig | Cassidy Hinshaw | Kayla Holmes | Madelyn Houghton | Katy Huberty | Kristin Jakuszanek | Tabetha Jasman | Adam Kirkendall | Jack Komos | Ryan Labinski | Constance Lightfoot | Jessica Makela | Ashley Marcinkiewicz | Alyson Matkovich | Robert McCarthy | Kayla Miller | Nathan Miller | Annika Olson | Emily Quinn | Laiken Randall | Cara Ringler | Dayja Ross | Alyssa Schwab | Joe Sener | Jaici Shiemke | Julia Tufano | Katy VanTimmeren | Jonathan Wallé | Nathan Warwick | Jodi Wizauer | Lauren Yellen | Megan Zahorik
Hourly Schedule
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- Friday, May 5, 7-9pm
- Closing Reception