Rabbit Island Residency Exhibition 2017
- Sep 25 2017 - Nov 12 2017
- Expired!
The Rabbit Island Residency, located on a remote island in Lake Superior, unofficially launched in 2010. For the last six years the museum has partnered with the Residency to present public programs and exhibitions featuring the artists in residence. The 2017 exhibition highlights the work of five artists who spent 2—4 weeks on the island between June and September 2016. This is the first year the artists have had nearly a full year to reflect and create work based on their experiences on the island. A full color, fully illustrated catalogue will be available, also featuring work by 2016 resident and writer, F. Daniel Rzicznek. The catalogue was designed by Edwin Robert Carter.
- Artists Included:: Luce Choules (UK), Walter van Broekhuizen (NL) and the collaborative U.S.-based group of Jack Forinash, Kelly Gregory and Mary Rothlisberger.