Project 35 Volume 2
- Oct 04 2014 - Nov 09 2014
- Expired!
PROJECT 35 VOLUME 2 is a selection of 35 videos produced between 2001 and 2012, selected by international curators who each chose one work from an artist they think is important for audiences around the world to experience today. The videos explore wide-ranging topics such as protests in South Africa, youth culture in Ho Chi Minh City, news broadcasts in China, and street crime in Bogotá. Recurrent themes focus on memory and change, performance and documentation, fiction and history, and notions of place and identity, as well as the power of images and the role of the media in shaping collective experience. The series also reveals the diversity of approaches used by video artists, including documentary, YouTube, and digital animation.
For PROJECT 35 VOLUME 2 at the DeVos Art Museum, ten exemplary videos were selected for continuous screening on individual monitors for the duration of the exhibition. A screening room was constructed to show all of the pieces in an ideal darkened environment. Every 8-9 days, a different set of works will be viewable in the screening room.
Curators: Leeza Ahmady, Meskerem Assegued, Daina Augaitis, Defne Ayas, Regine Basha, Valerie Cassel-Oliver, Rosina Cazali, Stuart Comer, Veronica Cordeiro, Christopher Cozier, Maria del Carmen Carrión, Rifky Effendy, Özge Ersoy, N’Goné Fall, Amirali Ghasemi, Vit Havránek, Hou Hanru, Virginija Januskeviciute, Abdellah Karroum, Sun Jung Kim, Pablo León de la Barra, Maria Lind, Yandro Miralles, Srimoyee Mitra, Nat Muller, Sharmini Pereira, Natasa Petresin-Bachelez, Kathrin Rhomberg, Mats Stjernstedt, David Teh, Philip Tenari, Christine Tohme, Raluca Voinea, Jochen Volz, Adnan Yildiz.
Project 35 Volume 2 is a traveling exhibition produced by Independent Curators International (ICI), New York. The exhibition is made possible, in part, by grants from the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, and the Robert Lehman Foundation; the ICI Board of Trustees; and donors to ICI’s Access Fund.
- Artists Included:: Marwa Arsanios, Zbyněk Baladrán, Michael Blum and Damir Nikšić, Deanna Bowen, Pavel Brăila, Aslı Çavuşoğlu, Park Chan-Kyong, Josef Dabernig, Elena Damiani, Shezad Dawood, Jonathas de Andrade, Annika Eriksson, Antanas Gerlikas, Annemarie Jacir, Lars Laumann, Reynier Leyva Novo, Aníbal López (A-1 53167), Bradley McCallum & Jacqueline Tarry, Basim Magdy, Cinthia Marcelle, Ivana Müller, Ahmet Öğüt, Jenny Perlin, Agnieszka Polska, Sara Ramo, Sona Safaei, Heino Schmid, Prilla Tania, Alexander Ugay, Wok the Rock, Sun Xun, Jin-Me Yoon, Dale Yudelman, Helen Zeru, Chen Zhou.