Bodycount: A Graphic Reckoning in the Illustration Morgue
- Jan 28 2018
- Expired!
How are various concepts of “the body” implicated in the act of illustrating, in the resulting illustrations, and in how viewers interpret them? And how do we account for the picture-morgue of historical illustration that built today’s visual culture and that informs illustrators’ education today? Historian of illustration Dr. Jaleen Grove presents her research on American and Canadian illustration past and present, exhuming illustration’s “missing persons,” graphic bodies of work, bodies of women in pictures and of female illustrators, artists’ and viewers’ bodies in neuroscience, and cartoonists’ and illustrators’ bodies in contemporary practice. An Associate Editor of History of Illustration (Fairchild Books/Bloomsbury, 2018, 592pp), and Associate Editor of the Journal of Illustration (Intellect), Dr. Jaleen Grove has been working in and writing on aspects of illustration since 1990. Her publications include Oscar Cahén: Life and Work (Art Canada Institute, 2015), Walter Haskell Hinton, Illustrator of the Popular American West (Knoxville: Ewing Gallery, University of Tennessee, 2010), and articles in Canadian Art Review (RACAR), Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, and Journal of Canadian Studies. Grove is the Postdoctoral Fellow in Popular Print in the Dowd Modern Graphic History Library at Washington University in St. Louis.
To view the talk visit: Jaleen Grove: BODYCOUNT