One simple way to make a difference – contribute today to help art thrive tomorrow.
The NMU Art Museum offers alumni and friends several ways to offer support. Your donation could help fund student opportunities, research, exhibitions, community programs, and more. Make your gift online today, or contact the NMU Foundation to learn more about how you can make a meaningful impact.
Click here to give by credit card or digital payment through our secure giving site.
Give with a credit card over the phone by calling 906-227-2627.
Mail a check. Please make out to the NMU Foundation, and put NMU Art Museum in the memo.
NMU Foundation
607 Cohodas Hall
1401 Presque Isle Ave.
Marquette, MI 49855
Annual donors of $100 or more receive reciprocal memberships to hundreds of museums and organizations nationwide via the ROAM or NARM cards.
For a directory of museums that accept these cards, visit:
At Northern Michigan University, we recognize that when you support NMU and the Art Museum through planned giving you are making a very special gift.
Planned giving creates a legacy that will benefit generations of students and help ensure the Art Museum and NMU will continue to achieve our teaching, learning and research objectives.
As a member of the 1899 Society, you will share a very special place in our university family and inspire others to make a lasting and significant commitment to supporting the art museum and our mission to support higher education at NMU.
To learn more about the 1899 Society and how to make a planned gift, click here for our NMU Foundation Planned Giving information.
If you are interested in discussing a planned gift to Northern Michigan University, please contact the NMU Foundation. We will be happy to explain available planned giving options and to discuss which option might be best for you and your family. For more information please contact us at or 906-227-2627.
More information about the 1899 society is available here.
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